
Category Archives

Dance Improvisation: Connecting to Source through Magical Arteries

Dance Improvisation: Connecting to Source through Magical Arteries

This weekend I’ll be teaching my first workshop in NYC of 2018, Connected to Source: Deep Listening & Freedom of Expression through Dance Improvisation. And for the first time in the three years since I moved away from NYC, I feel really excited and energized to be heading in to share my work in the city. As in, not secretly dreading or deliberately avoiding NYC (a la 2016 & 2017), but… read more

October Breathe Deep Workshop in Brooklyn focuses on Stress Relief

October Breathe Deep Workshop in Brooklyn focuses on Stress Relief

Breathe Deep Sunday, October 11 The Grand Room at South Oxford Space, Brooklyn 138 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 6:30 – 8:30 PM $40 Register Now Breathe Deep is a workshop in ways you can use your breath to relax and release tension from your body quickly and effortlessly, so you can avoid stress build-up, stay out of pain and manage your energy levels with ease. This month’s Breat… read more

3 Reasons Why Sharing Touch is Essential to Your Health

3 Reasons Why Sharing Touch is Essential to Your Health

With affordable health care at the center of so many debates these days, I’m always surprised at how little of what’s being discussed actually has to do with health, or for that matter, care. Actually it’s really no wonder that the cost of our health care is exorbitant, considering how many fancy technological gadgets and complex pharmaceuticals are essential to what we consider “healt… read more

When’s the last time you took a deep breath?

When's the last time you took a deep breath?

Breathe Deep The pain in your neck, the strain in your back, the static in your mind and the fatigue in your eyes… What if all these could be remedied with one simple, free and universally accessible treatment? Transform tension, pressure and rigidity into support, ease and spaciousness by experiencing your breath more fully. Step into winter with the tools to feel limber and light and start… read more

Need some playful release? Get in on some Partner Stretching!

Need some playful release? Get in on some Partner Stretching!

Partner Stretching This holiday season, instead of new toys, invest in new ways to play… Learn how to partner with another body to push, pull and shake your tensions out and bring the good feelings in. In this two-hour workshop you’ll learn how to stretch, release tension, and encourage relaxation in your partner and yourself simultaneously. You can look forward to an invigorating and playfu… read more

Is stress ruining your holiday season?

Is stress ruining your holiday season?

DIY Stress Relief Feeling pushed and pulled by life? Learn how to push, pull and vibrate the stress and tension out of your body. Come to this two-hour workshop cum holiday party for your body, and learn potent and effective techniques that you can use from day to day and year to year to help relive stress and tension. We’ll be getting loose and relaxed with self-massage and acupressure,… read more

Shopping For Health and Vitality?

Shopping For Health and Vitality?

Hello High Flier, have you taken time to ground and replenish your energies recently? You’re invited to turn off your high speed hustle for a couple of delicious hours, and tune in to a transmission of practical information to help you slow down, release tension, and experience pleasure in your body and spirit. The cold days have arrived but you’re still in high heat gear, spinning your… read more

5 Reasons NOT to Straighten Your Spine

5 Reasons NOT to Straighten Your Spine

If the end of summer is inspiring thoughts in you of “straightening up” and getting your act together, these tips are here to lighten the load and make the process more relaxed and easefull…  photo by More than two-thirds of the folks who come to see me about chronic back pain share these two characteristics: They claim to have bad posture, and therefore They try to… read more

Coming Out of the Closet

Coming Out of the Closet

I sent this (love) letter to my mailing list the other day and I’m sharing it with my blog readers now – I haven’t been doing much blogging lately and this will reveal a little of the “why”. The tide is turning and there are lots of blog posts coming up, but if you want to get the best of my insights and tips, make sure sure to subscribe to the newsletter – use the form above or to your left! read more

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