
Category Archives

Need some playful release? Get in on some Partner Stretching!

Need some playful release? Get in on some Partner Stretching!

Partner Stretching This holiday season, instead of new toys, invest in new ways to play… Learn how to partner with another body to push, pull and shake your tensions out and bring the good feelings in. In this two-hour workshop you’ll learn how to stretch, release tension, and encourage relaxation in your partner and yourself simultaneously. You can look forward to an invigorating and playfu… read more

Announcing the Spring Semi-Private Group Session!

Announcing the Spring Semi-Private Group Session!

Photo by Marielise Gouléne EXPERIENCE THE AWARD WINNING FORCE & FLOW APPROACH TO CORE STRENGTH Connecting to Core April 14 – July 13 90-Day Semi-Private Group Session focused on Dynamic Core Strength and Fluid Breath Connection Spring is here and your body wants to come out of hibernation mode and bloom into it’s full potential for pleasure and productivity – what better time to… read more

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