
Category Archives

3 Reasons Why Sharing Touch is Essential to Your Health

3 Reasons Why Sharing Touch is Essential to Your Health

With affordable health care at the center of so many debates these days, I’m always surprised at how little of what’s being discussed actually has to do with health, or for that matter, care. Actually it’s really no wonder that the cost of our health care is exorbitant, considering how many fancy technological gadgets and complex pharmaceuticals are essential to what we consider “healt… read more

Is stress ruining your holiday season?

Is stress ruining your holiday season?

DIY Stress Relief Feeling pushed and pulled by life? Learn how to push, pull and vibrate the stress and tension out of your body. Come to this two-hour workshop cum holiday party for your body, and learn potent and effective techniques that you can use from day to day and year to year to help relive stress and tension. We’ll be getting loose and relaxed with self-massage and acupressure,… read more

Shopping For Health and Vitality?

Shopping For Health and Vitality?

Hello High Flier, have you taken time to ground and replenish your energies recently? You’re invited to turn off your high speed hustle for a couple of delicious hours, and tune in to a transmission of practical information to help you slow down, release tension, and experience pleasure in your body and spirit. The cold days have arrived but you’re still in high heat gear, spinning your… read more

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