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October Breathe Deep Workshop in Brooklyn focuses on Stress Relief

October Breathe Deep Workshop in Brooklyn focuses on Stress Relief

Breathe Deep Sunday, October 11 The Grand Room at South Oxford Space, Brooklyn 138 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 6:30 – 8:30 PM $40 Register Now Breathe Deep is a workshop in ways you can use your breath to relax and release tension from your body quickly and effortlessly, so you can avoid stress build-up, stay out of pain and manage your energy levels with ease. This month’s Breat… read more

Is stress ruining your holiday season?

Is stress ruining your holiday season?

DIY Stress Relief Feeling pushed and pulled by life? Learn how to push, pull and vibrate the stress and tension out of your body. Come to this two-hour workshop cum holiday party for your body, and learn potent and effective techniques that you can use from day to day and year to year to help relive stress and tension. We’ll be getting loose and relaxed with self-massage and acupressure,… read more

5 Reasons NOT to Straighten Your Spine

5 Reasons NOT to Straighten Your Spine

If the end of summer is inspiring thoughts in you of “straightening up” and getting your act together, these tips are here to lighten the load and make the process more relaxed and easefull…  photo by More than two-thirds of the folks who come to see me about chronic back pain share these two characteristics: They claim to have bad posture, and therefore They try to… read more

Hey Ophra, are you still doing bodywork?

Hey Ophra, are you still doing bodywork?

I’ve been getting this question regularly enough in my inbox recently that I figured it’s time to air it out on the blog. The answer is, YES! In fact, I’d reckon I’m a more effective and effulgent bodyworker than ever these days. The caveat is that I’m not so available for drop-in bodywork anymore. You see, I’m increasingly reserving the lion’s share of my time for folks who are invested in… read more

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