Energy Work

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Dance Improvisation: Connecting to Source through Magical Arteries

Dance Improvisation: Connecting to Source through Magical Arteries

This weekend I’ll be teaching my first workshop in NYC of 2018, Connected to Source: Deep Listening & Freedom of Expression through Dance Improvisation. And for the first time in the three years since I moved away from NYC, I feel really excited and energized to be heading in to share my work in the city. As in, not secretly dreading or deliberately avoiding NYC (a la 2016 & 2017), but… read more

Coming Out of the Closet

Coming Out of the Closet

I sent this (love) letter to my mailing list the other day and I’m sharing it with my blog readers now – I haven’t been doing much blogging lately and this will reveal a little of the “why”. The tide is turning and there are lots of blog posts coming up, but if you want to get the best of my insights and tips, make sure sure to subscribe to the newsletter – use the form above or to your left! read more

Did I stop your train?

Did I stop your train?

Monday night I was on the A train around 8:30PM, coming back from rehearsal with Antititled, when a young man pulled his girlfriend near where I was sitting. I mean pulled forcefully. He was standing right in front of me now, shifting nervously and mumbling about what he needed to smoke to calm down, she was hardly breathing, holding back tears. When the two seats next to me cleared out, … read more

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