3 Reasons Why Sharing Touch is Essential to Your Health
With affordable health care at the center of so many debates these days, I’m always surprised at how little of what’s being discussed actually has to do with health, or for that matter, care. Actually it’s really no wonder that the cost of our health care is exorbitant, considering how many fancy technological gadgets and complex pharmaceuticals are essential to what we consider “healt… read more
Teeth Brushing & the Art of High Performance Living
A funny thing happened on the way to writing you this article about how to use the most banal of daily activities, brushing your teeth, as a supreme exercise in tuning your whole day for mental and physical fitness. I sat down in front of a blank screen page, placed my fingers on the keyboard, and with no idea where to begin, watched these words type themselves: Why Not Sneeze, Rose Sélavy? I… read more
New Years Wishes
A vital, healthy 2015 to the adventurers and seekers of the Force & Flow family! I sent this email out to my mailing list yesterday, and I’m sharing it on the blog for those of you who don’t get me in your inbox (it’s easy to remedy! just look up at the top left widget and you’ll see a simple sign up form). Never mind “happy” for the coming year, I’m aiming right for JOY and wishing you t… read more